How we Work

Client Engagement

ArchCel engages with potential clients through various channels such as marketing campaigns, referrals, or online platforms. In most of the cases, Our sales partner Eseebase A/S establishes communication with the client to understand their specific requirements and project scope.Archcel is a reliable platform for the outsourcing for any company. Archcel is financially competitive hence economically viable and at the same time trusted for quality construction drawing.

Project Assessment and Proposal

Upon receiving the project details, ArchCel assesses the requirements, including the project size, complexity, timelines, and any other specific client preferences. Based on this assessment, the company prepares a comprehensive project proposal that outlines the scope of work, deliverables, estimated timelines, and costs.

Agreement and Contract

Upon receiving the project details, ArchCel assesses the requirements, including the project size, complexity, timelines, and any other specific client preferences. Based on this assessment, the company prepares a comprehensive project proposal that outlines the scope of work, deliverables, estimated timelines, and costs.

Resource Allocation

Once the contract is signed, ArchCel allocates the necessary resources to the project. This typically includes a team of architects, drafters, designers, and project managers, depending on the complexity and scale of the project.

Project Execution

ArchCel collaborates closely with the client throughout the project execution phase. Communication channels are established to ensure regular updates, feedback exchange, and addressing any queries or concerns. ArchCel follows the client’s guidelines, design briefs, and international building codes and standards to create architectural drawings, 3D models, renderings, or other required deliverables.

Quality Assurance

ArchCel ensures stringent quality control measures throughout the project. Dedicated quality assurance teams review the architectural drawings, designs, and deliverables to ensure accuracy, compliance with standards, and adherence to the client’s specifications. Iterative feedback loops are established to incorporate revisions and modifications, if necessary.

Project Delivery

Upon completion of the project, ArchCel delivers the final architectural drawings, designs, or other agreed-upon deliverables to the client. The deliverables are typically provided in digital formats.

Client Satisfaction and Feedback

ArchCel values client satisfaction and seeks feedback on the overall project experience. This feedback helps ArchCel to continually improve its processes, enhance customer service, and refine its deliverables.

Ongoing Support

ArchCel values client satisfaction and seeks feedback on the overall project experience. This feedback helps ArchCel to continually improve its processes, enhance customer service, and refine its deliverables.

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